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Image of SuperFish Zen Deco Buddah Ornament

SuperFish Zen Deco Buddah Ornament

£59.99 from Pond Keeper

This ornament would brighten up any water garden. Standing 50cm high (1'8") and a similar width this is a substantial size. This ornament is manufactured out of stone-effect resin and is a real head-tuner

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SuperFish Zen Deco Buddah Ornament


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Image of SuperFish Zen Deco Pagoda Red Ornament

Pagodas are quintessentially Buddhist and are an important component of Japanese Buddhist temple compounds. Introduce the atmosphere of the orient to your water garden with this ornamental pagoda from Superfish.

Image of SuperFish Zen Deco Stone-Finish Pagoda Ornament

Many pondkeepers like the look, feel and tranquility offered by a Japanese water garden. One of the features most closely linked with such landscaping is the pagoda. Initially pagodas were used as shrines in Japan and China and you can now honour the...
